Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement is operated and maintained by @TechnicProblem. It was made by Gabriele Cirulli. It is a fork of 2048, which is maintained by Gabriele Cirulli, @iirelu and @sigod. This document outlines the data handling practices for this website.

What personal data do you collect?

For analytics purposes, anonymous and aggregated data may be collected, using Google Analytics. This data includes:

For more information on how Google Analytics uses this data see:

Are cookies stored on my device? How are they used?

We use your browser's local storage features to locally store information about the game's state. This lets us save your game at any point and allow you to pick it back up from where you left off. This data is kept in your browser and never sent to servers operated by us or a third-party. No personally-identifiable information is included.

This website embeds social media features from Twitter. For information on Twitter's Cookie Policy please see:

This website uses Google Analytics. For information on Google Analytic's Cookie Policy please see:

If you have any questions, feel free to email, who coded the site.